Tuesday, February 4, 2014

This is what it is..

So one day I woke up and I decided it was time. Time to stop hiding, time to stop lurking, and above all, it was time to step up and do it. Do what? Well, opening this blog first, and unleashing my Halo urges in here. I am a Writer, I hardly consider myself one, but that’s what someone decided to tell me the day I wrote my first short story. I published a couple of books, but the type of science fiction I write is not very well regarded in Argentina, so I can honestly say they are not a huge success.

I’ve been a fan of Halo ever since I laid hands on it for the first time. It was on an Xbox that was for show on a GAME Shop in the UK on January 2003 (I was studying there). It was a demo, but damn, I fell for that sucker. Having bought a Dreamcast, and using up all my savings, I had to wait until Halo PC to finally get the real Halo experience. It swept me off my feet. There was no going back to any FPS. Again, the lack of my own Xbox made me miss Halo 2, but I discovered a way to fill the void. I found the Fall of Reach in a Geeky Library here. They also had First Strike and The Flood. I bought them without hesitation. I was in the middle of my university finals and read through them in only two days.

I had found something even larger than the Master Chief, than Cortana, than Keyes. I met Sam (and still mourn him), Fred, Kelly, Halsey, Grey Team, Admiral Hood, Lighter than Some, Margaret. I found a universe so rich, so vast, and ever expanding. So I did what I could, I started marking dates, facts, made a chronology with my brother (we are still working on it) and finally with a little arrogance I started adding stories. I never shared with anyone other than my brother, and seeing how open was the Halo Community (in Bungie Forums, Bungie.org, and Waypoint Forums) I decided to open a blog. I tried to get in touch with Frankie and with BsAngel without reading the Forums FAQs first. After I read them I apologized to them but I felt it was too late and felt very ashamed so I buried my stories deep on the back of my mind. I closed the blog and never spoke of it again.

But I cannot fight who I am. I’m a storyteller. I had to keep on writing. I had to tell these stories that came time and time again to my mind. They are not perfect. Far from it, but you be the judge of that.
I’m working on my very own fiction novel now, it’s in spanish but I may (hope to) someday share it with you. For the time being I hope that you enjoy this stories and if you want to send some feedback it will be welcome. I don’t know how often I’ll be posting them. But I’ll try to do my best to post one per month after the initial batch (which are already written).

As usual, I thank you in advance for taking the time to read.



Ps: Since English is not my native language, please do forgive any mistakes in spelling. I try to check as much as possible, but still "Errare Humanum Est".

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